Narnia Pet Behavior and Training, Inc.

Aggression in Dogs

Presented by: Dr. Sophia Yin & Sarah Kalnajs

About Sophia : About Sarah

Morning, Day 1

From the Dogs Point of View

How Fido Learns

Understanding how pets learn and think: this is the science of training. Learning how to reward the right behavior at the right time: this is the art of training. Combine the two, and you'll be able to successfully modify behavior in your dog or cat as well as a horse, your housemates, or hippos.

Recognizing Brewing Behavior Problems

Have you ever wondered if you were seeing signs of aggression in a dog? In this session, you'll learn the canine body language that shows signs of fear and anxiety, how seemingly innocuous behaviors can quickly progress to aggression, and what behaviors to avoid so that you don’t make the dog’s behavior worse.

Rapid Reversal of Dangerous Behavior Problems

Flooding, desensitization, classical counterconditioning, and operant counterconditioning: these are must-have tools of the trade! Dr. Yin will discuss the pros and cons of each method; how to address a dog's underlying emotional state in order to rapidly reverse brewing aggression problems; and the common mistakes in behavior modification plans and how to avoid them.

Afternoon, Day 1

From the Dogs Point of View

Where Did It All Go Wrong?

Have you ever wondered just what happened to make that dog the way he is today? In this session, you’ll learn which factors in a dog’s life, environment, and sensory system contribute to the development of aggression. With case studies and videos, Ms. Kalnajs shows the inappropriate body language that humans use that exacerbate fear and aggression; the early warning signs in puppies that let you know a problem behavior is forming; and the types of modification that can appear to work in the moment but can actually make the dog’s behavior much worse. Almost everything in a dog’s world affects his behavior—learn what you can do to make his life and his relationships with humans happy

Morning, Day 2

Staying Safe

Fixing What Went Wrong

The first rule in evaluating an aggressive dog is to keep yourself safe. Learn how to safely enter a home, watch for signs that suggest you may be in danger, and teach pet owners how to set up safe zones for the dog. Video clips of dog evaluations in shelters and homes lay the foundation of knowledge you’ll need to do it right. Ms. Kalnajs will then discuss the five foundation behaviors that are essential for modifying aggressive behavior in dogs. With video clips, the instructor demonstrates how to use the five behaviors in difficult cases, such as when a dog-aggressive dog sees another dog. After this course, you’ll feel prepared to face even the most difficult aggression case!

Afternoon, Day 2

Dominance, Fear & Punishment

Dominance vs. Leadership: Why Wolf Behavior and Dominance Theory are Poor Models for Understanding Behavior in Dogs

Whether treating separation anxiety, fear aggression, or general unruly behavior in dogs, most trainers believe the solution to better behavior involves teaching the owner to be a good leader. But does leading require dominance? No. In this session, you’ll learn what leadership and dominance really are and will see a simple, structured way that humans can be leaders without bossing animals around.

The Many Faces of Fear and Aggression: Taking Your Techniques to the Next Level

Have you ever had a dog that was perfectly fine greeting one dog or person but became a growling monster when greeting another? In this session, you’ll learn how fear can manifest in different ways, with different dogs, and in different contexts. Take away a variety of refined techniques to address fear and aggression issues in dogs.

Teaching Dogs to Learn to Earn: A Quick, Safe & Fun Alternative to the Alpha Roll

Every pet needs a human who can lead, but not like a dictatorial boss, rather more like a partner in a dance. In this presentation attendees will learn a style of leadership that fosters a sound understanding of how humans contribute to canine misbehavior, provides quick results, and can be performed by even those who are physically small or delicate. Attendees will see how Dr. Yin’s version of the learn to earn program helps owners set clear rules of behavior, communicate the rules through correct body language and timing of rewards and punishers, and provides an environment of more certainty and less stress for the pet. Attendees will see how this program can allow someone to change a dog’s behavior virtually overnight, and they will see the specific factors that make someone a good leader for their pet.

Morning, Day 3

Conducting Canine Risk Assessments

With so many homes jumping on the adoption bandwagon these days (a good thing) many people are adding dogs to their families without much forethought or information. More and more often when problems occur and trainers are called in to assist, the situations are far more troublesome than the owners may even have known. The Blue Dog Canine Risk Assessment procedure was developed to give dog professionals an objective set of criteria to use to help them determine when to work with a situation and when to recommend possible alternatives to their clients. Attendees in this lab will be presented with video case studies of dogs and all the history and details of each situation. Using the Canine Risk Assessment tool that will be presented, attendees will proceed in small groups to put together their own assessment and recommendations for the owners. Each group will present to the group on one case study and to conclude the lab Sarah will share the actual outcomes of the cases.

Afternoon, Day 3

Low Stress Handling

Low Stress Handling of Difficult Dogs in the Shelter, Veterinary and Grooming Situation

Think you don’t have time to handle an aggressive or fearful dog in a calm, non-confrontational way? Think again! In this presentation you’ll learn how to set up your hospital, grooming, or shelter environment to maximize the comfort and consequently minimize the fear and aggression in dogs. Dr. Yin will show common handling errors and body language faux pas that can cause even friendly dogs to act out. You’ll then learn alternate low stress techniques that that will allow you to handle even the most difficult dogs with ease.

Low Stress Handling and Restraint of Difficult Dogs

Do you allow dogs to flop when repositioning them, have difficulty managing the hyperactive, fearful, or aggressive ones? Attend this lab and you will experience firsthand the newest low-stress techniques for handling even the most difficult patients in a calm, efficient manner. You will practice handling variations for dogs of different sizes, shapes and temperaments and learn to adjust what you do to the needs of the pet. You will learn the subtleties in technique that make the difference between a pet that feels secure and one that feels the need to struggle or try to escape. You’ll be amazed by the results: dogs that willingly allow procedures and love their visits to the hospital, kennel, or grooming salon.

Registration Information

Cost:Early bird discount - $275 (discount only available for registration on all 3 days including lab. Lab is limited to 35.)
Expires August 31, 2010 - Use promo code "earlybird"
Cost:After August 31 - $325 (includes all 3 days including the lab. Lab is limited to 35.)
Cost:Friday only - $125
Cost:Friday & Saturday only - $200
Cost:All day Friday, Saturday with Sunday morning (no lab) $275
Date:October 1, - 3, 2010
Time:9:00AM - 5:00PM
Location:Narnia Pet Behavior and Training, Inc.
10143 Clow Creek Road
Plainfield, IL 60585